Joe Naughton and Jaison Hrobar
Greener Grass is comprised of recovering alcoholics and addicts who practice - and live by - the principles of "The 12 Steps of [Alcoholics/Narcotics] Anonymous", and of non-alcoholics/addicts who have witnessed the effects of and believe in its life changing, life saving program of action.
The Guys Behind The Mission:
At 43, Joe Naughton sought help. After 30 years of drinking, detox and 9 months of a 12-step program - where he continued to drink - he realized he did not want to live like this any longer. Upon asking for help, he was provided a bed at a treatment facility where he relearned rules - like responsibility and acceptance - and began building his new life.
For Jaison Hrobar, who started using when he was a young teenager, asking for help came after his drug dealer told him he had a problem, his wife kicked him out of the house and his mom said she was done with him. With four children, he was afraid they would find him dead one day. With the help of his associate pastor, he was admitted to rehab.
Through the course of their journeys, Joe and Jaison realized a desire to help others going through the same thing. They have established a network of contacts in the south-east that have enabled them to get people into facilities when they have decided to make the commitment. They have driven countless miles, often at night - between leaving work and getting back in time to start work again - bringing alcoholics and addicts to rehab.
The concept of Greener Grass was born during one of those long night drives. Determined to change lives, they incorporated as a non-profit organization, then set forth to raise the funds to help alcoholics and addicts pay for treatment, and to help their families with finances when needed and possible. Beyond this fundamental foundation of their mission, they intend - through education, outreach and the changed lives of those they help - to transform the stigma of alcoholics and addicts as being a bane of society, easily marginalized and hidden in plain sight, to being meaningful contributors to a community.